Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple
Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple

Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple

New World - Game loaded but couldn't connect to server due to Easy Anti Cheat.Monster Hunter World - Black Screen on Launch.Monster Hunter Rise - DX12 Game, it launches but window goes dark after compiling shaders.

Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Steam) - Crash on launch.Hitman 3 - launcher works, crash at 0x0000014136dddd hitman3+0x136dddd: int $3.F1 20 - Crash on launch (DX11 version running through GPT is slower compared to Crossover 21).Doom (2016) - "FATAL ERROR: wglCreateContextAttribsARB failed" message on launch.BeamNG.Drive - Loads into Main Menu but crashes on last step of loading into a level with a "UI Process failed to respond in time" error.Apex (it will stuck because of anti-cheat).Genshin Impact - Launches, but stuck when calling menu using esc.Warframe - To get installer/launcher working add dwrite (disabled) to library overrides in winecfg.Tetris Effect: Connected - Game window likes to be uncooperative really doesn't like retina mode, works otherwise.StarCraft: Remastered - Game runs fine but opening Option menu the second time will cause game not recognizing any inputs.SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake.Spider-Man Miles Morales - requires Windows ver fix.

Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple

  • Risk of Rain 2 (does not require `-disable-gpu-skinning` like Crossover 22).
  • Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix+ - works with Retina mode DivaModLoader and DivaNoSpy recommended run Steam with WINEDEBUG=-all WINEESYNC=0 WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8.dll=n,b" may randomly crash at the title screen: use IntroPatch as a workaround.
  • Hogwarts Legacy - launches fine first time but then won't relaunch - can be fixed by deleting ~/my-game-prefix/drive_c/ProgramData/Hogwarts Legacy - these are the files that are created at first launch that prevent relaunching.
  • Halo 3 (MCC - No Online due to Easy Anti-Cheat Compatibility).
  • God of War (Works somewhat well on M1 Pro (16gb), wouldn't recommend lesser hardware.).
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade (~50 FPS on High settings at 1080p with M1 Pro).
  • Dyson Sphere Program (some objects and main character weren't visible before).
  • Derail Valley (awesome performance, no missing manuals - in-game objects for train operation - like on CrossOver).
  • Control (DX12 mode, if downloaded from Heroic, needs to be ran by Terminal).
  • Genshin Impact 3.7 (m2max with 4k 60fps stable).
  • Batman: Arkham Knight - launches with steam.

  • Steam 15.06.2023 instal the new version for apple